Sex Toys For Those With Vulva Pain | January 2024

Hello beautiful souls!
Happy new year!!!
Today’s blog is all about a new position that helped me finally have an orgasm without this scary cramping feeling.
For those of you who need an update:
Over the last month, everytime I’d guide myself to an orgasm, I'd feel cramping and a hot stinging pain going up my stomach.
I went to the OBGYN and she provided me with a prescription for pain pills (which i’ll talk about in February's episode of my sex positive podcast)
Not only did I protest the prescription but I advocated for myself and asked for a recommendation for a specialist to run tests instead of looking at my vulva and guessing I had a yeast infection. I spoke kindly, clearly and confidently but I can’t lie, I was so scared.
I felt a mix of proudness and defeat. Proud because I stood up for myself and my vulva but defeated because I could only imagine how many young women would get the same prescription and take pain pills for the rest of their lives instead of finding the root cause of the problem! Simply because they didn’t know they had a choice.
Hopefully one day my advocacy can help stop toxic practices like the one I experienced.
(Sidenote: I don’t blame my doctor. She's a sweet human and my first experience with her was very healing. It is not her fault her schooling was created on the basis of patriarchy and colonization.)
But I digress….
One day I decided to try to pleasure myself by laying on my stomach. I knew my body knew what it needed to do and BOOM…. I had one, two then THREE painless orgasms!!!!!!
Woah. No pain pills! Pure bliss.
There are some medical explanations as to why this can help someone who experiences pelvic pain which we can dive into on PATREON!
I also tried out my new toys in this new position The Kiss by Loveline & The Womanizer ULTRA QUIET laydown vibe.
The Kiss is great for people who want to try something new and she’s only $99. I love her color and I love the new kind of orgasm and sensation this toy provides. I like turning her to the side and tucking the tongue between my labia. YUM!
The Womanizer Noiseless Lay Down Vibe is true to its word and is by far the most quiet vibe I currently own. Its rumbles are very gentle and are perfect for those struggling with sensitivity or overstimulation of the vulva and clit.
I also had a blast with the Honey Play Box Bite Me Sucking Tapping & Vibrating Cream Pop Stimulator because I had never used a toy that THUMPED.
When I first heard that it thumped my immediate thought was “pain” but boy oh boy when your juices accompany the thumping you can create your own creamsicle if you know what I mean.
So yeah… these are the toys that helped me learn that I can still achieve painless orgasms while I am on the earth to get the answer as to why I felt pain in the first place.
Tune into my most recent podcast episodes to learn about how to grow through vulva pain & more.
I love you to the moon and beyond!
Love Atiya
You get a big O, you get a big O *Oprah voice*
Have you checked out my brand new PLEASURE SHOP designed especially for YOU?!
I've hand created a body positive, safe space for you to enjoy all things PLEASURE!
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I love you forreal!
Love Atiya
Listening to my sex positive podcast is like listening to your best friend's hour long voicenote. The Love Atiya Experience is definitely an EXPERIENCE.
Featuring episodes:
P*ssy Funk & What Your Vulva Odor Means | Dating App Horror Stories
The Time He Rushed Me To Cum, Mutual Masterbation Gone WRONG
If Your Boo Doesn’t Turn Your Body On | What Is Reactive Abuse | Celibacy Tips
You can click the link above to enjoy all of my podcast shenanigans.

I'm sure this is the main reason why most of you have signed up for my email blast! MY PLEASURE POSITIVE ABSOLUTELY ORGASMIC MUSICAL PLAYLIST! These playlists feature all of my favorite songs to masturbate to, plus a few suggestions from some of you beautiful souls! The spotify playlist features my top 50 songs of the month and the apple playlist and PDF playlist will be updated monthly so stay tuned for next months email which will feature brand new suggestions!
Stay Tuned For Next Months Edition + Pleasure Tips.