Non Goal Oriented Touch: Dissociation Tips For Sex | OCTOBER 2023

How did it become October already? Anywho, I have been learning SOOOOOO much about all things pleasure and I cannot wait to share it with you as well as share our updated pleasure playlist for the month!
This month's write up is going to be all about NON GOAL ORIENTED TOUCH.
I was watching the Principles of Pleasure the other day on Netflix and learned about this new concept called “Sensate touch” where you and your partner take turns touching each other everywhere except the genitals but the goal is NOT sexual arousal. Of course, we’re human, so arousal could happen BUT no matter what, the goal is to not end the session with sex.
For me, I know many of my sexual experiences have been ridden with anxiety because I’m ALWAYS trying to get it “right” which means I always have to be one step ahead, which means I’m never really in the moment, which is pretty important when it comes to sex.
There are steps when it comes to practicing sensate touch and those steps can be found in THIS ARTICLE. Have you practiced non goal oriented touch before or is this something you’d like to try?
IN OTHER NEWS if you love self care products THIS is for YOU.
I am the owner of Ethereal By Love Atiya which is a vegan and cruelty free hair and skincare collection. All of the products are handmade with love, by me!
Since moving out of the country, I have introduced seasonal shipping into my repertoire and November 15th is my last day of shipments. IF YOU LOVE SELF CARE and want to support CLICK HERE TO SHOP ALL THINGS SELF CARE AND SELF LOVE.
Thank you SO much for all of your love and support throughout this year. Feel free to send an email to and let me know what you’d like to talk about on my PLEASURE POSITIVE PODCAST or if you need advice or just a vent.
I love you to the moon and can’t wait for our November pleasure tips.
USE THE CODE: LOVEATIYA for 15% off your sex toy purchase from
The Snail Vibe (Intermediate/Advanced)
The We Vibe (Beginner, Intermediate)
The Com By Dame (Beginner, Intermediate)
The Vibe Pad 2 *Pictured above (Intermediate/Advanced)
Listening to my sex positive podcast is like listening to your best friend's hour long voicenote. The Love Atiya Experience is definitely an EXPERIENCE.
In next weeks episode we talk about what a fear of abandonment can look like and why dissociation during sex is so common!
You can click the link above to enjoy all of my podcast shenanigans.

I'm sure this is the main reason why most of you have signed up for my email blast! MY PLEASURE POSITIVE ABSOLUTELY ORGASMIC MUSICAL PLAYLIST! These playlists feature all of my favorite songs to masturbate to, plus a few suggestions from some of you beautiful souls! The spotify playlist features my top 50 songs of the month and the apple playlist and PDF playlist will be updated monthly so stay tuned for next months email which will feature brand new suggestions!
Stay Tuned For Next Months Edition + Pleasure Tips.