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Valentines Day Pleasure Tips | FEBRUARY 2023



I'm so excited to have you here, thank you so much for your support!

I'm sure you want to know what to expect now that you're signed up!

Once a month you'll receive an email featuring pleasure tips, updated musical pleasure playlists, I'll share with you things i've learned this month in the world of sex positivity/pleasure & give you sex toy suggestions and exclusive access to coupons for toys & for my vegan self care company!

May this newsletter bring you many orgasms!

INTRODUCING "Learning With Love!" Since my Tiktok Career started with me transparently sharing things i've learned from my sexual experiences, I figured what better than to share the super crazy things I learn monthly about all things PLEASURE.

Now...let's talk about chemistry.

According to “Serotonin plays a major role in our happiness levels, and when we orgasm, we release a good amount of it.

This shines an interesting light on the idea that those in romantic relationships are happier than single individuals. Is that really true, or is it just that couples are having sex (and hopefully orgasms), whereas single individuals are…not? And couldn’t that be simply fixed if single individuals masturbated more, giving themselves that serotonin boost? Just because you haven’t found the one doesn’t mean that you don’t deserve all the happy chemicals that couples enjoy”

Who knew we could create a feeling of ecstasy within our own bodies.

Valentine’s Day can be a stresser whether you’re in a relationship, a situationship or a holy matrimony with yourself but this year doesn’t have to be.

What are three things you can do for yourself today to make sure that today is an amazing day? For me it’s going to the movies, taking myself out on a date to dinner and giving myself a spa night.

Masterbating to music.

Y’all I had one of THE most orgasmic orgasms this week and it was thanks to this bomb playlist that I linked at the end of this email.

I pressed shuffle until I was satisfied with the starting song and grabbed my favorite toy. I danced around my hotel room and felt the most sensual I’ve ever felt.

I also realized there are certain songs for certain moods and certain kinds of orgasms but we'll talk about that on the podcast.

Tank started singing his tune and then it was on and poppin! Although my sex toys were amazing, one of my favorite parts of this new ritual was that I used my hand to feel all over my body.

As you know my mom is the queen of teaching me about the beauty of self pleasure and one tip I learned from her was to feel on my body, with love, throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be a sensual act but think about it…. How much do we really touch and caress on our own bodies?

After I was finished I thought I would want to go to sleep but instead I was energized and motivated!

Anywho, my tip of the month is the next time you masterbate, I recommend listening to a sensual melody and allow yourself to become entranced in all of your own beauty. You can also tune into my podcast The Love Atiya Experience where I talk a bit more in-depth on this experience.

Listening to my sex positive podcast is like listening to your best friend's hour long voicenote. The Love Atiya Experience is definitely an EXPERIENCE and I can't wait for you to enjoy it. Click The Photo To Tune In!

USE THE CODE: LOVEATIYA for 15% off your sex toy purchase from


The Snail Vibe

The We Vibe

The Com By Dame

The Vibe Pad 2


Introducing, the main reason why most of you have signed up for my email blast! MY PLEASURE POSITIVE ABSOLUTELY ORGASMIC MUSICAL PLAYLIST! These playlists feature all of my favorite songs to masterbate to, plus a few suggestions from some of you beautiful souls! The spotify playlist features my top 25 songs of the month and the apple playlist and PDF playlist will be updated monthly so stay tuned for next months email which will feature brand new suggestions!


Stay Tuned For Next Months Edition + Pleasure Tips.



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